Materials: Recycled glass bottles, Paint, Plastic syringe, Vase liner & Flowers
Step One: Gather a variety of vases. Choosing a variety of sizes and shapes will make the vases look more eclectic and interesting. Decide on a color pallet that you want to go with. This color pallet is has a sunset tone theme going on.
Step Two: Mix colors to get the desired tone. I used watercolors, but you can also use wall paint, if you prefer. Dilute the paint with a little water to flow into the bottle better (but not too much or not cover well), and absorb with a large plastic syringe (you can buy at any pharmacy).
Step Three: Pour all the paint in the bottle with the aid of syringe. Larger bottles need between 80 and 100 ml. paint to cover comfortably.
Step Four: Rotate the bottles in a circular motion so that the paint covers every area.
Step Five: Once covered with the paint, let the bottles sit upside down for several hours so any excess paint can be drained. You can rest the bottles in a sink or on absorbent paper.
Step Six: After the bottles have drained and dried we clean the excess paint from the edge and let them dry completely (it took me a couple of days).
Step Seven: Because we used a water based paint we don’t want to fill the vases with water for the flowers. Add a plastic vase liner to the vases before adding the flowers.
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